Napier Senior Net
Is your Computer Clock Inaccurate

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Is your Computer Clock Inaccurate; does it lose or gain time?

If so, you're in good company because it's a common complaint.

Good news! - there's an easy way to beat this annoyance if you have an internet connection for sending email etc. Several utilities are available which will let you correct the time on your computer with pinpoint accuracy, any time you are connected to the internet.

For example, there's a freeware utility called "Dimension 4 time synchroniser" available for downloading from the internet. This utility can
be setup to run automatically every time you start your computer. As soon as your computer connects to the internet, Dimension 4 will log on to an atomic clock site (there are several of them available for international time standards) and adjust you computer clock automatically.

Dimension 4 can be set up either to dial up and connect when you start your machine, of to just start up and wait until something else causes the computer to connect to the internet (eg you decide to collect your email messages), at which time it will adjust the clock, then close itself down and get out of your way.

If you wish to download this utility it can be obtained by entering the following address in your browser's URL window:-

(The ~ character is obtained by using the key just to the left of the number 1 on the top row - don't forget to press the shift key to obtain it). There are no spaces in the URL.

The file shouldn't take long to download - it's only 293KB.

If you don't feel comfortable about downloading files, let me know and maybe I can arrange to provide the download on a floppy disc, with installation instructions if required.

Happy New Year,
John Selby.

PS This utility will only give you sensible time adjustments if your Regional Settings are correct in Windows. Check them if you get strange time results, as the utility may think you live in the Bahamas or New York.
(Check by Right Clicking on your clock in the bottom right hand corner of the taskbar, select 'Adjust Date/Time' then click 'Time Zone' In the time zone slot it should say something like 'GMT + 1200 hrs, Wellington, Auckland'. If there's a different time zone (other than "GMT + 1200 hrs") entered, click the reveal arrow at the end of the slot, and select the correct setting from the drop down list).

First printed in SNN Newsletter Jan-Feb 2001


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